Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Local pol/geek John Waite goes viral, geek-style

Posted on Wed, May 11, 2011 at 10:26 AM

John Waite, a candidate in the upcoming Spokane City Council races, has done what few Spokanites do: make headlines in Seattle.

Okay, it's just Seattle Weekly's blog. And, yeah, the post is kind of making fun of him. But whatever.

The blogpost shows Waite dressed as a character from the videogame StarCraft in honor of last weekend's Free Comic Book Day. Waite, who owns Merlyn's comic book shop in downtown Spokane, even came up with a new campaign slogan: defeating the Zerg Scourge and Balancing the Budget, Galaxywide.

Not sure what that means, but Waite will need all the help he can get. His previous political campaigns have always come up short. He recently moved downtown — almost right above his store — and is running in a new district.

So he needs all the positive press he can get. Like on G4. And icanhascheezburger

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St. Patrick's Day Parade @ Downtown Spokane

Sat., March 15
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