Friday, May 18, 2012

John Waite pulls out of 3rd District race

Posted By on Fri, May 18, 2012 at 2:19 PM

For John Waite, perennial political candidate, running for the 3rd districtalways hung, tenuously, on a lot of different factors.

“In my head, to me, there’s a million different pieces to the puzzle,” Waitesays. “Early on when it was Jon (Snyder) and Marcus (Ricelli) and I, I thoughtthe puzzle worked well.”

But then former Councilman Bob Apple came into a race, a candidate Waite hadalways worried would erode Waite’s support on the north side of Spokane. Lastweek, he’d alluded to being unsure about officially filing in the race. Now,he’s decided the numbers just don’t add up, had has pulled out of the race.

“It’s heartbreaking, it’s annoying as hell,” Waite says. “I got a lot ofpeople wound up to help me.”

Now, he’s endorsed Snyder.

“Jon has done some miraculous stuff on the national level,” Waite says. “Heis incredibly smart, then addresses issues in an intellectual way.”

His full statement, from Facebook, follows.

As most of you know, I had hoped to run in the 3rd LD state race.

Today I have to pull my campaign and remove myself from the race. As much asI would love to continue my efforts at elections and campaign finance reform,government reform, and generally working on non-partisan fixes to the troublesthat ail us, there are greater forces at work this elections season. With 5other candidates of various stature, financial strength and name recognition, Ihave decided that this is not the year to fight the powers that be. I can assureyou, that I will be back and run for office next year, and be ready to work hardto fix government from the inside and outside. And I can assure you that thereare candidates that will fight to fix government in an honest, intelligent andresponsible way in this race. 

After much deliberation, I'm throwing my efforts and support behind JonSnyder. I have known Jon for almost 30 years, and respect him thinking andcharacter. I also think his small business, local government and quality of lifeagenda are great for Spokane. Please check out his campaign and consider hisefforts. If you like what you see and hear, join me in supporting him.

I am running for Democrat PCO in district 3202 in downtown Spokane. I willget that information our soon, and hope for your support. Thanks to all of youfor your support, and I look forward to working with you all in the future.

- John Waite.

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Daniel Walters

Daniel Walters was a staff reporter for the Inlander from 2009 to 2023.