Friday, December 21, 2012

CAT FRIDAY: Christmas Cats Edition

Posted By on Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 11:56 AM

Christmas can be a joyful time of year, especially if you're a cat. The humans bring in a big, fluffy green climbing tower/secret hideout into the house and decorate it with all kinds of shiny, moving things that look a lot like toys. Then there's the wrapping of presents -- bows, ribbons, crinkly tissue paper and boxes! What cat doesn't enjoy the fun those things can create?!

Just be warned, kitties, your human might get some wild hair up their ass and decides to dress you up in a Santa suit or some other hideous holiday ensemble... Don't tell them you got this idea from us, but you could get your revenge by climbing the Christmas tree and "accidentally" knocking off a few special ornaments along the way up. Oops!

Meowy Christmas!

Is that not the cutest version of Santa you've ever seen?!

The elf costume on the kitty on the left is very fitting. 

Someone better invite this little guy to their ugly sweater party.

And this pair... 

What do you mean, Santa isn't real?! 

Kittens make cute Christmas tree decorations.

You better make the dog do this, too, human.

This seductive cat wants to be your Santa this year...

This kitty is stealing Santa's milk and cookies.

Merry Christmas, we got you a cat! 

Eff you, Santa, for not getting me the toys I asked for! (This kitty belongs to this Inlander writer.)

Wrapped cat hopes he doesn't have to stay wrapped for very long. 

The neighborhood crazy cat lady's Christmas card photo. 

This cat also wants to go to your ugly sweater party. 

These kitties are too fancy for ugly sweater parties. 

This cat is Jewish, and celebrates Hanukkah.  

These cats prefer to celebrate both holidays.

Someone must have just broken the news to these kitties that Santa's not real...

This kitten is terrified of Santa. Who could blame him?  

This kitty is really sorry. He thought the tree was a giant scratching post. 

The beard is real, okay?

When you wrap a cat, it's important not to forget the tail. 

Nom nom nom. 

Christmas lights can make a really warm napping place. 

Does this sweater make me look fat? 

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Chey Scott

Chey Scott is the Inlander's Editor, and has been on staff since 2012. Her past roles at the paper include arts and culture editor, food editor and listings editor. She also currently serves as editor of the Inlander's yearly, glossy magazine, the Annual Manual. Chey (pronounced “Shay”) is a lifelong resident...