Thursday, December 26, 2013
The fun — or the painfully awkward family time, depending on where you stand here — is over. Hopefully you got some gifts, gave some gifts, drank some drinks, ate some food, etc. etc. etc. Now it's time to clear out for the new year. Get rid of that dead bush in your living room; do away with all that crumpled-up wrapping paper.
Here are your options:
If your tree is six feet tall or shorter: Anytime between Monday and Jan. 17, put your Christmas tree (void of any decorations, obviously) at the curb for pick up on your normal garbage collection day. (Keep in mind that collection after Tuesday next week will be one day later than usual because there's no collection on New Year's Day.) Place the tree at least three feet from your garbage and recycling bins. The city chips and composts trees gathered from curbside pickup.
If your tree is taller than six feet: Cut it in half and bundle any loose branches next to the tree before following the instructions above. Consider scaling back next year.
You can also take trees to one of the following locations for disposal, though you'll be charged $5.
Place all cardboard, gift wrap, wrapping paper tubes and gift bags in your recycling bin. The following things are not recyclable, so trash them: foil paper, cellophane, bows, ribbons, tissue paper, styrofoam.
Got a new electronic to replace your old one? Consider donating the old one if it's still usable. If not, visit this site to find out where you can take old cell phones, TVs, computers, appliances and more for recycling.
Questions? Call the city's Solid Waste Management department at 625-7878.If you live outside city limits and use Waste Management, call 1-877-466-4668 to find out how best to recycle your tree in your specific area.