Monday, February 17, 2014

Eat leftover pizza cold or reheated? What you told us

Posted By on Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 12:18 PM

click to enlarge Eat leftover pizza cold or reheated? What you told us
A scene from our pizza taste test, in which we tried various types cold and reheated.

This week we wrote about testing various types of cold pizza — but before we printed the results, we asked our readers on Facebook how you prefer your cold pizza: straight from the refrigerator or warmed up?

Pie charts are pretty much the worst way to present data, but for pizza — how could we resist? Here’s what you said in the 104 comments, in a big ol' colorful pie chart:

Those who said cold didn’t elaborate much, but those who like their leftover pizza warmed up often included detailed instructions about how to warm said pizza. Of those who mentioned a specific heating method, oven was most popular, followed by toaster oven. Skillet also got a few mentions.

But the most specific comments came from people who say the decision of cold vs. warm depends on certain factors. Here are some of the things it depends on:

• where the pizza is from

• type of sauce

• how it was stored overnight

• thickness of crust

• how much time I have

• time of day

• what I was up to the night before

• the season

• the toppings

While many people said it depended on the toppings, there was no consensus about which toppings are better cold and which are better warmed.

The “both” category includes a few easygoing people who were enthusiastic about leftover pizza of any kind, and also includes a few people who suggested possibly the best answer: one slice cold while the other slice is warming up.

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Lisa Waananen

Lisa Waananen was an Inlander staff writer and editor from 2012-2015.