Friday, February 1, 2013

CAT FRIDAY: Meet the Internet's next big viral kitty: Sam the Eyebrow Cat

Posted By on Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 1:35 PM

Watch out Grumpy Cat and Colonel Meow, there's a new cat in town and he's getting some pretty widespread attention since his Instagram account went viral earlier this week.

Cat Friday has been patiently waiting to break the news of the arrival of the Internet's next big Celebri-cat, and we're all really excited that day is now here.

The Interwebs are all abuzz about Sam, the Cat with Eyebrows. No, they're not real eyebrows, mind you, but regardless of that detail, this mostly white feline — his tail is completely black — looks a little apprehensive about everything. And this is exactly the reason we humans can't stop talking about Sam. Who doesn't think Sam is totally adorable? And yes, the spots resembling eyebrows on his head are real.

All photos courtesy of Sam's Instagram,

Yesterday, the Huffington Post called Sam "too cute to fail," and in just a few day's time he's garnered a following of more than 15,000 on his Instagram account. On Tuesday, Sam had around 2,500 followers, which is still an impressive feat for any cat. (While composing this Cat Friday post, we refreshed the page a few times and saw that Sam's follower counts had jumped by the hundreds!)

As anyone knows, a cat on its way to massive fame like Sam should definitely have his own website, and it looks like Sam's already got a page designer hired and taking his orders.

Like his counterpart Tard the Grumpy Cat, Sam's initial leap into the limelight can be credited to the abysses of Reddit. Here's the original thread

If you don't have an Instagram account, don't fret because as of Wednesday Sam also has a Facebook page and a Twitter account. Sam's Facebook page shows a recent post hinting at some big upcoming announcements to be released on his Twitter. Dare we say a Today Show or Ellen appearance could be on the horizons? 

Seven hours ago, Sam also tweeted this: "Coming soon to an 'About Sam' page near you," and we hope this means his back story will be shared soon. Until then, all we can tell you about Sam is that he hails from the Big Apple.

The entry on Sam at does, however, include a well-documented history of Sam's recent and fast climb to fame, noting that the first picture of the Eyebrow Kitty appeared on his Instagram on Dec. 13, 2012. 

Now go follow Sam! 

UPDATE: Sam's website is now live! Go check it out right meow for his heartwarming rescue story and some amazing products bearing his cute little eyebrowed face that will help other animals in need.

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Chey Scott

Chey Scott is the Inlander's Editor, and has been on staff since 2012. Her past roles at the paper include arts and culture editor, food editor and listings editor. She also currently serves as editor of the Inlander's yearly, glossy magazine, the Annual Manual. Chey (pronounced “Shay”) is a lifelong resident...