'Earth Control,' Owen Hart

What meth would sound like it if it was at all productive.

While some kids are punching out the lenses of their mom’s ridiculous ’80s glasses to add irony to their wardrobe, Tacoma’s Owen Hart picks and chooses the best of metal from ages ago on its debut album, Earth Control — and not for irony’s sake.

The band isn’t reinventing the wheel here, but that’s not what matters. It’s more important to note that Owen Hart somehow sandwiches speed metal, thrash, hardcore and death metal together — a combo that would be easy to screw up — on Earth Control.

The best tracks here are the grimiest ones: the songs full of caterwauling vocals and screaming, unrelenting guitars.

If meth heads weren’t so busy selling their stuff, they might have beat Owen Hart to making music like this: jacked-up, cranked-out, over-thetop metal with a perma-boner. Save for their drummer, who is no Dave Lombardo (yet), they make Slayer look like a bunch of old guys. And you have no idea how much it pains me to say that.

DOWNLOAD: “Welcome to Worthlessville”


High On Fire, Merlock, Black Locust @ The Big Dipper

Tue., March 18, 7:30 p.m.
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Leah Sottile

Leah Sottile is a former Inlander music and culture editor and staff writer.