Tuesday, November 6, 2012

ELECTION DAY: Cats who want you to vote!

Posted By on Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 2:55 PM

Since members of the feline species don't meet eligibility criteria to vote, many famous kitties have been using their spot in the public's eye to urge their human fans to exercise their right to vote. 

Hopefully their pleas aren't ignored. But with cute messages like the following -- how could they be?

This is what cutie cat LIL BUB had to say on her Facebook page last night about voting. 

"Hi it’s me, BUB! November 6th, 2012 is a big day for the USA. As a tiny amazing cat I’m not allowed to vote, but I encourage all of you to go out tomorrow and cast your ballot. If you love me you’ll do it. Love me. Do it.

I have de-politicized my post because even as a woman cat with strong feelings on this subject, I think that my page should stay politics free. I want people to see my face and feel better, not get upset or feel betrayed, regardless of what their political views may be.

So I hope that I, BUB, at the very least can convince those of you that weren’t planning on it to go out and vote. If anything, do it for me. It would be the best gift ever!

Also I should take this opportunity to point out that writing in “Lil Bub” on your ballot is seriously the WORST IDEA EVER. No one will ever know how clever it was that you did it, and it’s a wasted vote. And yes, people have been seriously talking about this. If you love me, please don’t do this. Thank you.

I assure you that this is the last political tinged post you will ever see or hear from me. It's all fishes and floppy tongues from here on out."

Also in an attempt to keep things a little more lighthearted during the oft negative election season, the Spokane Humane Society last month launched an interactive campaign that lets people place a vote for a different cause -- supporting the furry, four-legged friends of the community. 

SHS tells The Inlander that right now the polls are showing the DemoCATs with a big lead over the RePUPlicans. Things could still take a different route, as voting is open until later tonight. To place your vote by making a donation of any amount to SHS, go here. Adoption fees are also waived on all dogs and cats through today at 5 pm, so if you're thinking of taking a kitty or pup home that counts as a vote for your party, too. 

In swing state Virginia, Hank the Maine Coon cat not only wants you to get out there and vote, but is asking state residents to vote for him as a write-in candidate for its U.S. Senate seat up for re-election.

Hank is running on a platform of working hard and going from having nothing as a young kitten on the streets to becoming a successful business-cat. He wants to create jobs and energize the people of Virginia. He also has some strong feelings on the Electoral College's role in the U.S. democratic process. And what cat running for political office wouldn't use that position to advocate for animal welfare? More than $12,000 raised so far through Hank's campaign has been donated to local and national no-kill animal rescue groups because "Hank knows there are [individuals] suffering in the world and that he wouldn't be here today if it weren't for the loving and caring individuals that save animals from euthanasia every day." 

So Virginians, remember you have a third option, and everyone else -- get out there and vote.

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Chey Scott

Chey Scott is the Inlander's Editor, and has been on staff since 2012. Her past roles at the paper include arts and culture editor, food editor and listings editor. She also currently serves as editor of the Inlander's yearly, glossy magazine, the Annual Manual. Chey (pronounced “Shay”) is a lifelong resident...