Friday, March 26, 2010

MORNING HEADLINES: Cold War ends, Ping Pong war begins

Posted on Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 8:39 AM

Zehm's History Records of Otto Zehm's stay at Eastern Washington Hospital were made available yesterday to the lawyers of the police officer who killed Zehm four years ago. A federal judge will rule later on whether they can use those records in court.

The Cold War is Ending! After a year of negotiations, the Obama Administration and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev put the finishing touches on a new arms control treaty today. Deployed warheads will be reduced by a quarter and the number of missile launchers will be cut in half. Which still leaves plenty of room for Armageddon. Thanks post-Cold War world leaders!

On Another Front Residents at the Spokane Valley Senior Center want their ping pong or it's "war," according to KXLY and KREM. Officials at the center decided to take away the game after a woman broke her arm playing. (Residents are busy stockpiling missing Russian nuclear warheads.)

Play Nice After the Washington state Senate rejected the House's tax package yesterday, the two legislative bodies decided to set up a committee to work everything out. Six legislators — three from each body — will sit on the committee. Six people responsible for taxes... good luck with that.

No More Teachers, No More Book Idaho state legislators are pushing hard to adjourn this year's session, and burned the midnight oil last night. A couple hang-ups: a plan to manage the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer and a few unfinished budget bills. According to House Speaker Lawerence Denney there are only 40 bills to get through. 

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