Monday, April 12, 2010

Ethiopian Food in Spokane... finally

Posted By on Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 12:40 PM

Lovers of Ethiopian food, your seasons of wandering the wilderness, Moses-like, are almost over.

In May, Almaz Ainuu will open Queen of Sheba Ethiopian Cuisine in the Flour Mill. Ainuu — whose name may or may not mean "harbinger of east African delicacies and savior of the people of the Inland Northwest" — is a native of Ethiopia and therefore probably totally knows her stuff.

Details are scant at this point, though their business cards are positively decadent and the restaurant's menu, while light on prices at this point, looks to be full on flavor. 

What prices there are, though, are encouraging for the budget conscious. Appetizers — beef, chicken and veggie sambussa and fried chickpeas — are all $3. Desserts — including baklava ($3), cardamom ice cream, and lemon & cream shortcake ($2.50) — stay under $3 as well.

Tell your Spokie friends, seriously. We've waited a long time for this. We don't want to screw it up. 

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The Evolution of the Japanese Sword @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through May 4
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Luke Baumgarten

Luke Baumgarten is commentary contributor and former culture editor of the Inlander. He is a creative strategist at Seven2 and co-founder of Terrain.