Monday, May 24, 2010

MORNING HEADLINES: Tree bears, pickaxes and ombudsmen

Posted on Mon, May 24, 2010 at 8:22 AM

Council to consider ombudsman plan tonight The Spokane City Council may discuss a plan that would expand the powers of the city's police ombudsman (SR)

Has spring lost its spring? Temperatures at Spokane International Airport dropped to 33 degrees earlier this morning — a record for this time of year. Warmer, wet weather should arrive later this week. (KREM)

This sounds like my nightmares A Bellevue couple on I-405 in Kirkland yesterday watched a pickax bounce out of the back of the pickup truck in front of him, then crash through his windshield, then brush his face before it lodged between the front seats. (Seattle Times)

Like shooting bear in a tree Wildlife officers shot tranq darts at a black bear that had wandered into the Indian Trail neighborhood and scurried up a tree on Saturday. (KXLY)

Signs of the times Could a predicted uptick in the number of people traveling this Memorial Day weekend be a signal of a strengthening economy? (SR)

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