Tuesday, June 15, 2010
In case you weren't at Saturday's nearly sold-out live broadcast of Garrison Keillor's A Prairie Home Companion from the Spokane Arena, you can listen to it live here, on the show's Website. Just click the yellow "Listen to the complete show" block, under "Audio."
As always, the show tailored its scripts to the location. In opening remarks, Keillor noted that, as a boy, he and his family came here from Minneapolis to visit relatives. "Spokane was the far western edge of the known world," he said. "It’s always been on my mind.”
He gave shout-outs to Auntie's Books and the Davenport and made Riverfront Park a focal point of the show. In the ongoing "Dusty and Lefty" series, Keillor (playing Lefty) falls in love with a woman at a Spokane radio show, is nearly gunned down by her over-protective mother in the park, then falls into the river and is swept over the falls.
The show was part of the 30th anniversary celebration for KPBX.
Tags: Arts