Wednesday, August 11, 2010
UPDATE! Rep. Walt Minnick, D-Idaho, is donating his air miles to help Vernon Baker's widow attend the Medal of Honor winner's funeral at Arlington National Cemetery. (KHQ)
Help needed for trip to Arlington Widow of Vernon Baker, one of the few black soldiers belatedly awarded the Medal of Honor for his bravery in a pivotal battle against the German army during World War II, can't afford to attend his burial in Arlington National Cemetery. (KREM)
A gruesome fall Spokane police reveal man was tied up before being tossed over the 12-story Sunset Bridge. (KXLY)
Details of crash, rescue attempt The plane crash that killed former U.S. Senator Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, and four others happened in remote mountains in fog. Still, two helicopters dropped medics on the mountain within hours. (ADN)
Gaaaaa! Spiders a'coming August is Hobo spider mating season, which means they are crawling back into your house. (KHQ)
Tags: morning headlines , News