Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Got this email from Spokane County Sheriff's spokesman Dave Reagan today. Weird stuff going on these days...
Things that make you go, “hmmmm.”
Sometime overnight Monday, someone stole a set of unmounted elk horns from behind Moffat’s Taxidermy in the 8900 block of E. Euclid. The medium set of 6x6 horns was valued at $400. Lousy hunter, better thief?
A 76-year-old woman living in the 1500 block of North Bowdish Road reported that security cameras installed in her apartment carport on Sunday were immediately stolen. Value of the cameras is unknown, and the following day her car was prowled.
On Tuesday, a man and woman stole a $300 fan from the Target store at 13724 E. Sprague. The female suspect hid the fan underneath her shirt. The man reportedly had many tattoos, and the woman must have been wearing an XXXXL blouse. They left in a red Impala with Washington plates.
Earlier this week a 60-year-old woman living in the 100 block of North Adams Road reported that a transient had been sleeping in her backyard gazebo for several days. On Tuesday, she awoke to discover him gone, as well as the cushions to her outdoor furniture.
On Monday, an employee at Kindercare at 205 S. Sullivan Road reported that someone had entered their transport bus and discharged a fire extinguisher all over the interior. The bus did not appear to have been on fire at the time. It had to be towed to a detail shop for cleaning.