Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Pink slip season About 120 City of Spokane employees — including 47 in the police department and 28 in the fire department — will be told that they'll lose their jobs by the end of the year. (SR)
Ads not scary enough A University of Washington study of the high-profile Montana Meth Project (which features ghoulish, graphic images of meth's toll) says the campaign has had no effect, though meth is declining. (KXLY)
Warrants go public The Kootenai County Sheriff's Office is now posting all its felony and misdemeanor arrest warrants since 2005 on its Website. Go peruse the list to see if you're on it. (CdA Press)
Oktoberfest deal The Seattle P-I's Washington Beer Blog is offering hotel specials for western Washingtonians who want to hit Spokane's inaugural beerfest this weekend. (P-I)
Fight for gay rights in the military continues An effort to roll back "don't ask, don't tell" may have hit a road block in the Senate yesterday, but the fight continues in the court system. (NYT)
Tags: morning headlines , News