Friday, October 15, 2010
While interviewing Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers for our upcoming story on the 5th District race, naturally I asked why the debate between her and opponent Daryl Romeyn didn't appear to be happening.
After all, the news that there would be no debate (she blamed scheduling trouble) had produced an outcry from Eastern Washington citizens. (This morning, while attending a dedication of the Sonora Dodd House, McMorris Rodgers was greeted with woman holding a picket sign saying "Respect voters! Debate Daryl!")
But the Congresswoman has a surprise:
"We’re working on moving forward with the debate," she says. "I’m rearranging my schedule."
I called KSPS to confirm this.
"We were contacted today from the McMorris Rodgers [campaign] asking if we were interested in doing a debate," KSPS producer Jill Johnson says.
Johnson says they're still in the process of working out the details — they haven't heard back from the Romeyn camp yet to compare schedules — but there's a pretty good chance we'll see a 5th District debate after all.
We'll keep you apprised as soon as we hear date and time details.
Indeed. And it’s happening the very same night it was originally scheduled. Here’s the McMorris-Rodgers press release:
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) released the following statement regarding the opportunity to debate Daryl Romeyn: “As a Congresswoman who’s always been accessible to the public, listened to people's concerns, and been responsive to their needs, I’ve concluded that having a debate with my opponent would be of value to the people of Eastern Washington. I’ve made the appropriate changes to my schedule and have agreed to debate my opponent on October 19. I’m proud of my record standing up for Eastern Washington’s families, veterans, and small business owners, and I look forward to having a good-faith discussion with my opponent about the issues important to our future – especially growing our economy, balancing the budget, and preserving the American Dream for our children and grandchildren. The details of the debate are still being finalized and will be forthcoming.
Tags: News , Politics , Cathy McMorris-Rodgers