Friday, October 22, 2010

You got money in my politics! No, you got politics in my money!

Posted on Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 4:39 PM

Though you might get some funny looks if you're eating straight peanut butter when you’re out walking around, let no one question your commitment to finding out how corporations are corrupting our political process.

Want to discover that the National Republican Senatorial Committee has thrown $1.16 million at TV ads opposing* Sen. Patty Murray since Tuesday, or that Karl Rove's Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies has spent $1.2 million of its own?

Or perhaps you're a Democrat, interested in the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee dropping a cool $1.43 million on "media buys" opposing Rossi since Tuesday. 

Either way, the Federal Elections Commission's independent expenditure website just launched, so you can watch the common man's voice being overshadowed right before your very eyes! Since we're so close to the election, the various PACs have to file disclosure reports much sooner, which means the dollar totals are going up precipitously.

Check it out. Then pour yourself a stiff drink.

* Make sure you check the amount of money both sides spend supporting their candidate, rather than opposing the other. It's depressing.

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