Thursday, November 11, 2010

MORNING HEADLINES: Niehaus, alcopops and veterans

Posted on Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 9:51 AM

If only there were a bordering state 10 miles away we could purchase them from — The Washington State Liquor Control Board banned alcoholic energy drinks "in the interest of public safety." The rule is effective for 120 days, at which point they'll try and make it permanent. Crafty college students are making a run on the stuff before the ban takes effect — your move, LCB. (KXLY)

They're busting out the rye bread and mustard in heaven today — Longtime Mariners broadcaster Dave Niehaus died of a heart attack yesterday. Here's the call every Mariners fan has memorized: "… the throw to the play will be ... LATE!" (ESPN)

Go buy a round at the VFW — It's Veterans Day. (Spokesman)

"At this point it's just guess work[sic], but …" — The fourth stabbing in two weeks in North Spokane has police thinking it's gang related. What they're basing that on is unclear. (KXLY)

There are so many LOLs in this story — Starting with the headline, "Caught on camera, then caught by police" (how else would it work?), continuing to the fact that two 20-somethings stole lottery tickets, and ending with the knowledge the theft occurred at the Stinker Station. (KLEW)

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