Tuesday, May 24, 2011

MORNING HEADLINES: No new taxes; puppy mills; Obama in London

Posted on Tue, May 24, 2011 at 7:35 AM

No new property taxes — The Spokane City Council decided last night that raising property taxes to help bridge the budget gap might not even bring in revenue, given sagging property values. (SR)

Dogs recovered from puppy mill — Twenty-five filthy, malnourished dogs were recovered from an apparenty puppy mill in Newport, Wash., yesterday. (Daily Bee)

Parents upset over proposal of class-size increase — Parents of Spokane Public Schools students were given several options for closing a $12 million budget gap. Increasing class sizes, one of the most effective options, was one of the least popular. (KXLY)

Obama hits Buckingham Palace — As part of a European tour that yesterday saw him chugging a Guinness in Ireland, the president arrived in London and was greeted by the newlywed Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. (NYT)

Bad rapture math — Preacher Harold Camping said he was slightly off when he guessed the world would end on May 21. It will actually end on October 21. That gives you five more months. (KREM)

Missouri tornado the deadliest in the U.S. since 1950 (Seattle Times)

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