Thursday, June 23, 2011

MORNING HEADLINES: Is it news if we knew it was coming?

Posted on Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 8:39 AM

Hirzel cleared — In an expected decision, Spokane sheriffs Deputy Brian Hirzel was cleared of wrongdoing stemming from the Aug. 25 incident in which he shot and killed Wayne Scott Creach, a Spokane Valley pastor, while on duty. (SR, KREM)

Three days of summer over — After three glorious days, summer is officially over. The winter that began in 2008 continues unabated. In related news, a massive glacier will soon cover the Inland Northwest under a mile of ice and humans will live in caves once again. (SR) 

Tuition rocket — Eastern Washington University Board of Trustees decided to raise tuition at the university by 11 percent over the next two years. And, by the way, McDonald's isn't hiring. (KXLY)  

GOPer hates high ceilings — U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor walked out of secretive, behind closed doors budget talks about raising the nation's debt ceiling. What now? Chaos! Or something. (Atlantic Wire) 

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