Thursday, July 14, 2011

MORNING HEADLINES: Officers cleared in fatal shooting

Posted on Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 7:04 AM

Police justified in fatal shooting — The Spokane County Prosecutor has cleared the Spokane police officers who shot a 29-year-old man outside the Shari's on Northwest Boulevard in November. (SR) Read more about the victim, Ethan Corporon, in one of our Injustice Project stories.

Fred Meyer employee sue — They say a customer at a Portland store sexually harassed them, and management did nothing about it. (KREM)

Montana inmate sues — He says he isn't allowed to communicate with his family unless he does so in English, which is not the Guatemalan's native language. (SR)

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St. Patrick's Day Parade @ Downtown Spokane

Sat., March 15
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