Thursday, February 9, 2012
Spokane businessman Rich Cowan will be running against incumbent U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Eastern Washington, according to filings with the Federal Elections Commission.
Cowan will file as a Democrat against McMorris Rodgers, a Republican running for her fifth term, according to the FEC.
According to his campaign website, Cowan is president and CEO of North by Northwest Productions, a video production studio in Spokane.
"The US House of Representatives is broken and our current representative is part of the dysfunctional congressional leadership taking America in the wrong direction," Cowan writes on his site. "We can do better. Way better."
Cowan did not immediately respond to a call for comment and no fundraising data was available on the FEC website.
Meanwhile, McMorris Rodgers has $720,302 in the bank, according to the FEC.
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