Monday, February 4, 2013

Band's valuable guitars stolen in Spokane Valley

Posted By on Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 3:52 PM

It’s a musician’s worst nightmare: After spending the night at a hotel in Spokane Valley, the four guys of Nashville-based Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown woke up to find their van window smashed. A bass, a snare and a collection of unique guitars were all gone.

The band was traveling back to Nashville after playing a string of shows in California and stopping up the coast last week in Portland, Seattle and Vancouver, B.C., last week. 

They posted this message on Facebook Sunday morning:


To all of our fans, WE NEED YOUR HELP! 

We woke up this morning in Spokane Valley, Washington and all but one of our guitars had been stolen. Pinky, my main Fender Stratocaster was stolen along with my 1965 Gibson SG Junior. Graham's VOS 57 Gibson Goldtop Les Paul and his 58 Sunburst Les Paul were stolen as well. The crook also helped himself to Noah's black Gretsch bass guitar & Caleb's Black Beauty snare drum. Can you guys please help us keep an eye on Craigslist & eBay? We gave the police all the serial numbers for our guitars, so hopefully they'll turn up somewhere around here. I'm gonna start calling every pawn shop within a hundred mile radius as soon as we get our bearings. We are super bummed out today and could use some good vibes. I believe with all of my heart that these guitars will turn up. We love you guys. -tyler

Since then, the music community has rallied to spread the word online, and music stores and pawn shops in the area have been alerted. American Blues Scene has posted photos of the instruments and put a local post on Craigslist warning about the stolen instruments. Here’s the full list:

  • Pinky, Tyler's distinctively pink Fender Stratocaster
  • 1965 Gibson SG Junior
  • VOS 1957 Gibson Goldtop Les Paul
  • 1958 Sunburst Les Paul
  • Black Gretsch bass
  • Black Beauty snare drum

Here’s a Fender promotional video of Tyler Bryant talking about Pinky:

Bryant is 21 and widely considered a guitar prodigy, and the band just released a debut full-length album, Wild Child, at the end of January.

There have been some rumblings online about possible leads, but no resolution yet.

Give your guitars an extra hug tonight, and if you do know anything about the missing gear, contact the band’s representative, Rachel Cunningham, at [email protected].

Band's valuable guitars stolen in Spokane Valley
Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown

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Lisa Waananen

Lisa Waananen was an Inlander staff writer and editor from 2012-2015.