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Tegra Stone Nuess
Nuess' photography of Africa is featured at the Brick Wall Gallery this month.
We're all well aware of the freezing temperatures outside (currently it's 18 degrees) — so let's shudder once at the thought and move on, because despite the icy air, it's still First Friday.
For the last First Friday arts celebration of 2013, event organizers have a special treat in store to lure us away from the warmth of our homes and offices, though it's important to note that most of tonight's events are indoors.
The exception is the first-ever First Friday
Food Truck Rally, featuring six of Spokane's mobile food vendors setting up shop on the brick-paved stretch of Wall Street, between Main and Riverside. Hold off on eating before the event, because you'll get to choose your dinner from the menus of the Bistro Box, Couple of Chefs Catering, The Jamaican Jerk Pan, Azar's, King of Tacos and The Scoop.
It's a good idea to wear lots of layers, but there's no need to look like a snow-suited mummy — there will be heat lamps at the rally.
Though the food is surely a big draw, First Friday is still largely about local art. We've put together
a Google map noting all the artists and groups showing at local businesses and galleries this month to make it easy to see what's going on where as you're out and about. If you'd rather see all of the events for tonight in one place, listed alphabetically, go to our
permanent First Friday page here.