Friday, January 10, 2014

MORNING BRIEFING: Frauds all around us

Posted By on Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 9:57 AM


Deaconess and Valley Hospitals are ditching their request for an ethics investigation of City Council President Ben Stuckart. (SR)

A single identity thief in Spokane faces 45 counts of criminal counts, mostly identity theft. He put the personal information of one victim on Craigslist. (SR)

The graduation rate keeps climbing at Spokane Public Schools. (Though the big spike around 2011 is partly because the district began tracking transfers better.) (SR)


When you look deeper into the numbers, the economy is doing even more dismally than you think. (NYT)

U.S. dumps the contractor partly responsible for the HealthCare.Gov disaster. (WP)

Banks may have to pay $50 billion for crashing the worldwide economy. (The Wire)


Alexander the Great wept, realizing he had nothing left to conquer. So too will Shia LaBeouf weep, having decided — with nothing left to conquer — to hang up his acting cleats and retire from public life. (The Dissolve)

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Daniel Walters

Daniel Walters was a staff reporter for the Inlander from 2009 to 2023.