Tuesday, February 4, 2014

HIGHER ED: Food news on campus

Posted By on Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 1:22 PM

U of I

Food Summit 3.0: Last week, the City of Moscow and the Palouse-Clearwater Food Coalition hosted the Food Summit 3.0 to discuss the food systems on the Palouse and the benefits of a local food system. The coalition aims to create more locally available food, and the summit is a huge part of that initiative. (The Argonaut)

Vandal Meats storeThere are talks with Campus Dining to work on expanding the Vandal Brand Meats facility, the facility on U of I's campus that has processed and harvested cattle, sheep and hogs as a business since 1988.


New York chefs at the bread lab: Chefs from the 2013 James Beard Most Outstanding Restaurant will bake and test pastries created with grains grown and milled in western Washington in the bread lab at WSU. Chefs Adam Kaye and Devin McDavid will be at the lab Feb. 17-19. (WSU News)

Underage drink tasting: A bill in the state Legislature will, if passed, allow underage students in Washington state universities to taste alcohol in prescribed classes. They won't be able to drink, but they will be able to taste and spit out alcoholic beverages to prepare viticulture and enology students for the workforce. (Daily Evergreen)

Women farmers' conference: Women farmers in Washington, Idaho and Oregon will learn about improving farm management skills and networking with other women farm producers during a conference next month. (Lewiston Tribune)

Special OlympicsWSU Athletics and Special Olympics Washington are hosting the Special Olympics East Regional Basketball Tournament this weekend at the Bohler Athletic Complex. More than 700 athletes will compete. (WSU Athletics)

North Idaho College

Culture center: Talks between North Idaho College and the Coeur d'Alene Tribe on building a longhouse or cultural center have begun again. The facility would serve as a gathering place for events and would further strengthen the relationship between the college and tribe. (CDA Press)


GU Iron Chef: GU students got a taste of their cultural differences at the fifth annual Iron Chef competition. Students made dishes that hailed from France, Germany, Saudi Arabia and yes, the United States, among others. A Vietnamese dish won the Chef's Choice Award and an American chili dish took home the People's Choice prize.

Transgender bathrooms: Gonzaga is looking into a policy on transgendered students that could mean gender-neutral bathrooms and the option to live with students of the gender of their choice. (Gonzaga Bulletin)

Wildcard: Arizona State University

Traveling library: Three students at ASU have founded "BiblioTrucka," a food truck transformed into a mobile library with books, computers and e-readers for underprivileged schools.

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