Thursday, May 29, 2014

Why the Terrible Buttons are calling it quits

Posted By on Thu, May 29, 2014 at 9:30 PM

OK, so we don’t exactly know why the immensely popular horror-folk act Terrible Buttons are breaking up — they’re staying silent on the subject. What we do know is the seven-piece is breaking up and their final show is tomorrow at Volume at the nYne stage at 11:50 pm. (Purchase your tickets at the booth at Stevens and Sprague tomorrow).

The news broke three weeks ago, just one day after a packed Bartlett show on the band’s Facebook page. It read:

It’s with heavy hearts that we announce the end of this little experiment known as Terrible Buttons.

"Wild ride" is too tame a phrase to describe our time together. We will NEVER forget the support we've recieved from all of you, and we trust that the tunes will live on! Thank you so much to everyone who came out to The Bartlett last night, and come see our last show at Volume: Inlander Music Festival eh? We'd also like to say a big "I'm sorry" to the fine people of Alaska for being little teases and cancelling our plans to head back up there this summer.

We've truly had the time of our lives these last 5 years, but the circus gotta leave town eventually.
See you at the next stop,
Terrible Buttons (RIP)
Kent, Sarah, Kris, Tyler, Jon, KB, Ryan

For bandleader Kent Ueland, who answered our questions via email, the termination of the band is bittersweet.

“This is the end of what has been the focal point of my life, and the lives of all us T Butts, for the past five years,” says Ueland, who will now concentrate on his solo project the Holy Broke, which plays Volume at the Bartlett Friday at 6 pm. “But there's also a sense of freedom and excitement for what's next.”

The much beloved band was named Best Local Band in the Inlander’s Best Of readers poll the last two years running, and was a 2012 Band to Watch. After five years exciting and igniting the Spokane scene, it will certainly be sad to see them go.

So what’s going to go down at the last Buttons show ever? Many might cry, as singer Sarah Berentson (also of Mama Doll, a 2014 Band to Watch) says she will most likely do. But as Ueland suggests, the best way to prepare would be to just bring your dancing shoes.

“Expect to f—- some shit up,” Ueland says. “If you gotta lose your home, might as well burn the f—-er down.”

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Laura Johnson

Laura Johnson was the Inlander's music editor from 2013-2017.