Sunday, July 13, 2014

PHOTOS: Northwest Renaissance Festival

Posted By on Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 9:01 AM

For the past 20 years in Nine Mile Falls, the Northwest Renaissance Festival has entertained patrons with jousts, music, mud shows, sword fights, gypsy shows and comedy shows. Vendors make everything from leather goods to chain mail and sell a variety of renaissance themed goods.

Here are some photos from Saturday's events:

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Northwest Renaissance Festival
Young Kwak
Fr. Patrick McReynolds (Bishop) gives a blessing.

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Young Kwak
Alexandria Tull (Dame Edith Saxby) makes a run to grab a ring during Knightly Games on Horseback and Joust.

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Young Kwak
Tieg Thornton (Sir Jude Llewellyn), left, and Carson Hentges (Sir Digby Simkins) joust during Knightly Games on Horseback and Joust.

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Young Kwak
Carson Hentges (Sir Digby Simkins), left, and Tieg Thornton (Sir Jude Llewellyn) fight after a joust.

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Young Kwak
Tieg Thornton (Sir Jude Llewellyn), left, strikes Dan Compogno (Sir John Callsforth) with a lance.

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Young Kwak
Co-Owner Gerald Whitehurst throws an ax.

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Young Kwak
Patrons 5 year old Abby Howard and her 4 year old sister Anna watch their father Andrew throw axes.

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Young Kwak
Ken Slack, center, performs a card trick with patrons 10 year old Abby Stewart, left, and her father Shane during a Zoupa de Zonia comedy show.

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Young Kwak
Trevor Staples, center, and Corey Stubbs, right, hold back Ken Slack, left, during a Zoupa de Zonia comedy show.

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Young Kwak
Patron Sam Berry, center, purchases a neck wrap from Pam Bristlin, left, as Hayden Hauck looks on.

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Young Kwak
Patron Cisley McCarty, center, looks at some art as Blade & Sledge Co-Owner Cathryn Newlun looks on.

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Young Kwak
Patron Correy Berilla, right, hands an ax back to Needle & Sledge Co-Owner Robert Smith.

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Young Kwak
Needle & Sledge Co-Owner Robert Smith makes chainmail.

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Young Kwak
Tandy Leather Spokane Store Manager Jason Jones stamps leather.

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Young Kwak
Tandy Leather Spokane Store Manager Jason Jones stamps leather.

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Young Kwak
Elizabeth Challenger (Jazmine) is carried to the gypsy camp.

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Young Kwak
Heather Challenger (Willow), top left, and Kaycee Pease (Thistle) act during the Gypsy Show.

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Young Kwak
Angela Rickerson (Iris), left, and Heather Challenger (Willow) act during the Gypsy Show.

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Young Kwak
Patron Alan Brockway and his 7 year old son Emet watch the Gypsy Show.

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Young Kwak
Elizabeth Challenger (Jazmine) dances during the Gypsy Show.

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Young Kwak
5 year old Rosalie Tartt, right, shows her fan while (left to right) Elizabeth Challenger (Jazmine), 7 year old Adrianna Tartt, 3 year old Aaliyah Tartt and Heather Challenger (Willow) look on.

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Young Kwak
Brian Thornton (Sir Guy Du Malvier). right, and Tieg Thornton (Sir Jude Llewellyn) fight during Knightly Games on Foot.

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Young Kwak
Trevor Staples (Sir Edmund Walsingham), left, and Dade Staples (Sir Wulfric Ulfenhaad) fight during Knightly Games on Foot.

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Greg Mahoney, left, plays the guitar while Damian Cudmore plays the violin.

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Young Kwak
Patron Savannah Demers, left, braids Linda Stephens-Mann's hair while watching Greg Mahoney, right, and Damian Cudmore play music.

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Northwest Renaissance Festival
Young Kwak
Fiona Thornton acts during a Mud Show.

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Tuesdays, 3-5 p.m.
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Young Kwak

Young Kwak is a staff photographer at the Inlander. Moving to Spokane in 2007 from Los Angeles, Young started contributing as a photographer for the Inlander in 2008.