Friday, February 13, 2015

CONCERT REVIEW: A crazy ODESZA show at the Knitting Factory

Posted By on Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 11:13 AM

click to enlarge CONCERT REVIEW: A crazy ODESZA show at the Knitting Factory
Courtney Brewer
Harrison Mills

The moment I arrived downtown, I watched as sequin-covered young people made their way toward Sprague like moths to a flame. Entering the Knitting Factory behind a group of bro-tank-wearing co-eds, the bouncer asked, "Which high school are you guys from?" Proudly, one guy yelled, "WSU!!! Wooo!" It was abundantly clear that ODESZA's fame had drawn in a lot more "woo-ers" since their more intimate show at the Bartlett last spring. They went from attracting a small group of 20-somethings to a much broader — and louder — demographic. Now selling out venues like the Knitting Factory on a regular basis, the Seattle natives Harrison Mills and Clayton Knight have grown to be one of the leading electronic groups in the area.

On the way in, there was a locker rental on the left. I didn't give it much thought other than that it could be useful for those who did not want to hold their coats while they drank and danced. Upon entering the auditorium, however, it became clear what the lockers truly held... clothes. Everything was a sea of G-strings, animal ears and light-flashing gloves. 
The crowd roared like a storm chanting "ODESZA! ODESZA!" in hopes they might get them on stage sooner. The moment the two hit the stage and the psychedelic light show started, the masses began to swell and rock like the ocean. Who knew that two dudes with computers could get a Beatles-like reaction?
click to enlarge CONCERT REVIEW: A crazy ODESZA show at the Knitting Factory
Courtney Brewer
Clayton Knight of ODESZA
click to enlarge CONCERT REVIEW: A crazy ODESZA show at the Knitting Factory
Courtney Brewer
Harrison Mills of ODESZA

Though they attracted rave-goers, ODESZA's music is by no means dubstep. Rather than ominous trance followed by eternally repetitive beats and bass lines, their set list was a fluid evolution of melodies strung together like a story. Their transition between songs were nearly indistinguishable to the untrained ear, and ensured that no dancing would be disturbed by silence. 

Engulfed by a crowd of grinding bodies with X-covered hands, anything resembling a vertical surface was fair game to dance on. This included sides, legs, or anything else that remained stationary for too long. It only took one time being used as a human stripper pole to teach me that staying in constant movement was the only hope. During the few instances there was a place to stand, I was drawn in by the hypnotic sounds pouring from the stage. 
click to enlarge CONCERT REVIEW: A crazy ODESZA show at the Knitting Factory
Courtney Brewer
"You guys are awesome!"
click to enlarge CONCERT REVIEW: A crazy ODESZA show at the Knitting Factory
Courtney Brewer
ODESZA combines percussion with electronic sound. Pictured: Harrison Mills

After building a mountain of suspense only to say goodnight, Mills and Knight primed their crowd for the perfect encore. The highlight of the night was the highly anticipated "Say My Name," one of ODESZA's most popular songs. It is safe to say that Spokane cannot get enough ODESZA and will be anxiously awaiting their return.

click to enlarge CONCERT REVIEW: A crazy ODESZA show at the Knitting Factory
Courtney Brewer
ODESZA at the Knitting Factory, Feb 12

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