Friday, May 22, 2015

Belief in Bigfoot versus belief in Pete Carroll's Super Bowl call

Posted By on Fri, May 22, 2015 at 12:35 PM

click to enlarge Belief in Bigfoot versus belief in Pete Carroll's Super Bowl call
Pete Carroll and those, presumably, who still believe he made the right Super Bowl call.

Among Washington state's Seahawks fans, only 13 percent believe Seahawks coach Pete Carroll made the right call to pass in the last-second, game-losing play of the Super Bowl, according to a recently released Public Policy Polling survey of Washington state residents.

That's lower than the 18 percent of Washington residents who believe in Bigfoot, according to the same poll. Still, 89 percent of Seahawks fans believe that Carroll is doing a good job. (Sadly, PPP didn't ask whether Washingtonians believe Bigfoot is doing a good job.)

Other interesting findings from the poll:

- 30 percent of Washingtonians consider themselves "moderates."

- Republicans are slightly (21 percent to 16 percent) more likely to believe in Bigfoot than Democrats.

- 57 percent have a positive view of Starbucks. 

- Despite Windows 8, over two-thirds have a positive view of Microsoft. (And most are prouder of Microsoft than Starbucks)

- Liberals like Starbucks more than conservatives (Though moderates love Starbucks the most of all.)

- 23 percent just aren't sure what to make of apples.

- Husky football fans edge out Cougar football fans, 39 percent to 26 percent. 

- Disapproval ratings for WSU's head football coach are higher (16 percent) than UW's football coach (5 percent.)

- Less than half of Washingtonians want the NBA to return to Seattle.

- But Barack Obama voters are more likely than Mitt Romney to want the NBA to return to Seattle. (49 percent to 42 percent)

Read the whole poll here.

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Daniel Walters

Daniel Walters was a staff reporter for the Inlander from 2009 to 2023.