Tuesday, June 30, 2015

MB: NAACP moving on, bees all over I-90 and lawmakers figured out the budget

Posted By on Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 9:18 AM


The Spokane NAACP is moving on following the whole Rachel Dolezal debacle, president Naima Quarles-Burnley told those in attendance at the group's Monday meeting. The NAACP has a 95-year legacy in Spokane. (Spokesman-Review)

Four million bees spilled along I-90 near Coeur d'Alene when the tractor trailer carrying them tipped over. It is unlikely there will be any survivors; casualties will be removed by dumptruck. (KHQ)

There will be no government shutdown in Washington. Legislators came through in the clutch and approved a $38.2 billion two-year state budget. Also, Gov. Jay Inslee is happy and released a statement indicating his intent to sign off on the budget this afternoon. (King 5)


The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been throwing its weight around on behalf of big tobacco. Officials have been sending letters to governments around the world in an effort to dissuade them from enacting anti-smoking laws. (New York Times)

The FBI and the ATF are taking over the investigation into the recent string of suspicious fires at black churches in the South. (VICE)

Even though Bahrain is really awful on human rights, the State Department announced we're going start selling them guns again. The State Department issued a statement indicating that Bahrain is an important ally in the "counter-ISIL campaign". (The Intercept)

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced his decision to pursue the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. (CNN)

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