In case you hadn’t heard,
the U.S. is going to elect a president next year and there are many people campaigning for the position. Part of campaigning requires convincing people and corporations (same thing) to part with their money.
The Hill newspaper
reported in January that election could cost $5 billion.
In the Inland Northwest, people are giving money to presidential candidates. Here’s who they’re giving it to and who they are not.
The Colvilles like Clinton
Early in her campaign, former Secretary of State and presidential contender Hillary Clinton
made outreach efforts to Native Americans. She might have done something right because earlier this year, the Confederated Tribes Of The Colville Reservation, an Eastern Washington tribe, gave $2,700 to Hillary Clinton, a drop in the campaign bucket, but still.
Spokane likes Bernie more than Hillary
Spokane likes Bernie more than Hillary
To date, Spokanites have given $1,300 to Clinton. They’ve given $3,979 to independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is challenging Clinton for the Democratic nomination. Most contributors list “not employed” or “retired” as their occupation.
Overall, Washington state likes Clinton more than Sanders, shelling out (mostly from Western Washington) $738,490 to her in campaign contributions. Sanders has received just $185,236 from the Evergreen State.
Washington likes Ben Carson the best
As for the Republicans, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has received $94,205 from Washington donors, more than any other GOP candidate. In Spokane County, he’s received $1,235. Shockingly, much of the money came from retired people in Spokane Valley. Washington likes Florida Sen. Marco Rubio second best, sending him $84,810 ($2,965 of which came from Spokane County). Texas Sen. Ted Cruz came in third with $72,757 ($2,144 of which came from Spokane County).
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush received $69,800 from Washington, none of which came from Spokane County.
The Republicans were together last night.
North Idaho
In North Idaho, no one has given any money to Hillary Clinton. But Sanders has raised $6,163 in North Idaho.
As for the Republicans, North Idaho likes Rubio the best, and he’s received $6,784 in donations from the area. Ted Cruz came in second with $5,345. Carson came in third with $4,930. Libertarian-leaning Kentucky Sen.
Rand Paul was in North Idaho last month, but he’s only received $4,338 in donations.
No one in North Idaho gave money to former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee or former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.