Friday, October 23, 2015

Here's what you need to know to start your day

Posted By on Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 8:33 AM

Franklin County Coroner’s Office is conducting an inquest into the death of Antonio Zambrano-Montes, a man whose shooting at the hands of Pasco police sparked outrage after videos of the incident made their way onto the Internet. 

An appeals court has found that Spokane Valley can regulate an adult-oriented business. Hollywood Erotic Boutique had argued in court that attempts to require it to obtain a special license violated the constitution.

News from the Inland Northwest:
A Spokane Planned Parenthood is slated to get a $5 million facelift. The aging building on Indiana Avenue will be torn down for the new facility.

The Washington State Patrol is hemorrhaging troopers, according to consultants hired to study the problem. The report found that many younger troopers are leaving for higher pay at police departments and older troopers are eligible to retire.

Friends of the Library is holding its fall book sale to benefit the public library. Many books go for just a buck.

Alaska Airlines is the worst about mishandling customers’ luggage. But the Seattle-based company may be on its way towards fixing that.

Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan has decided he will run for speaker of the House of Representatives. Previously, Ryan had been on the fence about running for the position, unsure if he could unite his fractured party.

Hurricane Patricia, the strongest hurricane ever recorded by the U.S. National Hurricane Center, is reaching Mexico from the Pacific Ocean. The hurricane has the potential to bring death and destruction to the country.

President Barack Obama has used his veto pen for the fifth time ever, rejecting a defense authorization bill. The president used the rare maneuver because the GOP-backed bill bypassed spending restrictions and also prevented the transfer of detainees at Guantanamo bay.

A congressional panel examining the attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya had a contentious hearing on Hillary Clinton’s response to the incident and her actions leading up to it. Some Democrats have called the hearing a partisan witch hunt, despite Republican insistence to the contrary.

The New York Times has boiled down the entire hearing into a three-minute digest:

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