Friday, April 8, 2016

A new Trader Joe's, summery temps, Spokane manhunt and other stories to end your week

Posted By on Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 9:12 AM


NEWS: Why Washington could soon be compelled to screen more children for lead exposure
SPORTS: Spokane-based MMA athlete Julianna Pena lands next match for UFC 200
GROCERY STORES: North Spokane Trader Joe's set to open in mid-April
SPORTS: Spokane Hoopfest's new poster for 2016 is real, and it's spectacular

• Time to dig your short shorts out of the closet! 
• AG says it gave bad advice in prisoner-release dust up
The Washington State Attorney General's Office says it made a mistake when it told state officials that an early release of prisoners didn't need to be addressed immediately. 

•Manhunt continues
Law enforcement continues to search for a violent psychiatric patient who escaped from Western State Hospital and may be in the Spokane area.

• Freedom Foundation endorsements out
The Idaho Freedom Foundation, a conservative and influential organization, has issued its endorsements for Kootenai County legislative races

•Cruz not backing down on comments on Big Apple
GOP presidential contender Sen. Ted Cruz, challenging Donald Trump on his home turf, said he stood by his criticism of "New York values," even though he's campaigning in the state, which holds its primary later this month

• Catholic church shifts views on family life
Pope Francis has issued a document softening the church's tone on divorced and remarried Catholics, as well as single parents, gay people and unmarried couples living together

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