Friday, June 24, 2016

MAC shenanigans, car theft rankings, Brexit and headlines to end the week

Posted By on Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 9:23 AM


NEWS: Former MAC director Forrest Rodgers interfered with whistleblower investigation, received improper bonuses, state auditor says
SPORTS: Former WSU star Klay Thompson to play on the U.S. Olympic basketball team
ARTS & CULTURE: Nominate impactful local women for the YWCA's Women of Achievement Awards

Spokane no longer leads nation in car thefts
After a half decade of being in the top 10 cities for car thefts, a new national ranking places the Lilac City as 25th highest for auto heists. 

Investigation of Holyk reopened
After new evidence has come to light regarding the death of Ryan Holyk, a Spokane Valley teen who is believed to have died after being struck by the car of a sheriff's deputy, investigators with local law enforcement agencies are opting to take a second look at the case. 

Substitute teacher cleared
A Spokane Valley substitute teacher accused of assaulting and imprisoning a class of 6th graders has been cleared of charges. 

UK votes to leave European Union
A small majority of voters in the United Kingdom have opted to leave the European Union, which is almost certain to have ripple effects across the continent. 

Sanders says he'll vote for Clinton
Presidential contender Bernie Sanders still hasn't dropped his presidential bid or endorsed Hillary Clinton, who has all but locked up the Democratic nomination. But he still says he'll vote for her. 

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