Spokane's interim ombudsman Bart Logue wants more access to police body cam footage. No way, say Spokane police.
According to University of Idaho researchers, we could cut down on deer-auto collisions by increasing the cougar population.
The new Spokane city attorney had some complaints earlier this year about council president Ben Stuckart spreading misinformation on the Straub investigation.
Spokane City Council has sent a ballot initiative to voters this November that would impose a $261 fine for each rail car of crude oil and uncovered coal passing through the city. (Spokesman-Review)
Half a dozen Washington State University football players are being investigated for their involvement in a fight that seriously injured three WSU students at a party. (KREM)
Since Seattle set its path to a $15 wage law, job growth has been triple the national average. But much of that growth has nothing to do with higher wages, according to a University of Washington report. (Seattle Times)
The Democratic National Convention started yesterday with boos and jeers for Hillary Clinton, following an email leak revealing how party officials undermined Sanders during his campaign. (New York Times)
Michelle Obama gave perhaps the most impactful speech of the day in support of Clinton, while taking some subtle jabs at Donald Trump. She told the crowd she wants a president who will teach children that "everyone in this country matters," and that Obama was "here tonight because I know that this is the kind of president Hillary Clinton will be, and that's why in this election, I'm with her."