Just one piece of sport tech you might see at the 2016 Olympic Games. This piece is a head-cooling hood designed by Nike for decathlon competitor Ashton Eaton.
Olympians and Tech
Ready or not, the Olympics in Rio are already underway, with Opening Ceremonies tomorrow night. Make no mistake, the Olympics are the ultimate test of human capabilities, but there’s no shortage of tech assistance. Athletes may appear to be wearing sunglasses or sports tape, but those are no ordinary items. Check out
the technology behind America’s running shoes, track spikes, swim goggles and more. In the new issue of
InHealth, Linda Hagen Miller also surveys the amazing wearable tech available for us mortal humans. Look for it on stands now!
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Find the newest issue of InHealth magazine on stands now.
Testing the Water
If your family has wanted to try stand up paddleboarding, test out a canoe and compare it to a kayak, or discover the differences between an inflatable kayak and a whitewater kayak, this is your chance. The
Spokane Canoe and Kayak Club’s annual
Paddle, Splash Play event at the Nine Mile Recreation Area at Riverside State Park is Saturday, from 10 am to 2 pm. There will be a bunch of watercraft and personal flotation devices to sample, with experienced help available to perfect your technique. If you have a life jacket, bring it and you’ll be on the water faster. The event is aimed at kids, but adults are welcome to join in.
Weighty Matters
A new study shows being overweight or obese in middle age years seems to age the brain prematurely. While there were no differences in cognitive abilities between lean, overweight and obese study participants, the brains of the overweight and obese people showed decreased white matter volume that aged their brains the equivalent of 10 years — 50-year-old brains looked more like 60-year-old brains. The study's researchers write, “Obesity may increase the risk of neurodegeneration.” Yet another reason to exercise and keep weight under control.