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TVW screengrab
Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich discusses the high property crime rate in Washington state at a legislative hearing last year.
Good beer, great cause:
No-Li Brewhouse wants to raise $10,000 for Teen Closet.
You can help by buying T-shirts.
Pacific Northwest Nile virus?
The West Nile virus
has arrived in North Idaho.
Here come the plumbers... and the subpoenas
Attorney General Jeff Sessions
is on the hunt for leakers; meanwhile, Special Counsel Robert Mueller
is issuing subpoenas. (via
New York Times)
Three glorious months of improved property crime response
Remember how that
Inlander story on property crime
resulted in $300,000 for local law enforcement? Well, that grant has
run out, but it was effective while it lasted. (KREM)
Condon and the climate
Spokane Mayor David Condon doesn't veto the city's climate change ordinance, passed last month by city council, but
doesn't sign it either. (
Marching orders
New Chief of Staff John Kelly is trying to
bring military discipline to a dysfunctional White House. (
New York Times)
Red Lion slinks away
RLH Corp., the parent company for
Red Lion Hotels, is leaving Spokane for Denver. (