Thursday, October 26, 2017

Another perspective on opioid addiction; Spokane clinic, nursery on the move

Posted By on Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 3:56 PM

click to enlarge Another perspective on opioid addiction; Spokane clinic, nursery on the move
Opioid addiction's now officially a U.S. public health emergency; how does the rest of the world perceive our problem?

From the outside looking in
Opioid addiction is now officially an American public health emergency. There's no doubt the issue is mind-boggling, and there's plenty of blame to go around. But how does the rest of the world perceive our problem? The BBC offers an interesting look at the problem.

An excerpt:

Some Americans, says Professor Keith Humphreys from Stanford University, believe that life is "fixable."

"I'm 51," he says. "If I go to an American doctor and say, 'Hey — I ran the marathon I used to run when I was 30, now I'm all sore, fix me', my doctor will probably try to fix me.

"If you do that in France, the doctor would say 'It's life, have a glass of wine — what do you want from me?'"

On the move!
The Early Life Speech and Language clinic celebrates the grand opening of its new Spokane location, at 506 W. Second, today from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.

Formerly known as the RiteCare Center, the new clinic is still supported by the Scottish Rite Masons and provides evaluation and individualized therapy with experienced speech pathologists for kids aged 2 to 7, at no cost to families.

Also announcing a new location is the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery. The new home will be on a 1.6-acre lot at 2230 E. Sprague. Roughly 30,000 square feet of space will allow the nursery to care for more children who are currently turned away due to lack of space, and children with more complex medical needs. The free nursery, aimed at preventing child abuse and neglect, is privately funded.

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Anne McGregor

Anne McGregor is a contributor to the Inlander and the editor of InHealth. She is married to Inlander editor/publisher Ted S. McGregor, Jr.