Thursday, March 22, 2018

Can Elkfest survive? 'Are you illegal?' and morning headlines

Posted By on Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 9:29 AM


NEWS: This issue is hella phat. It's the 25th Best of the Inland Northwest comin'atcha with 132 pages of the most bangin' food, drinks, music, arts, shopping, recreation and people that the area has to offer.

We even threw in a little '90s nostalgia for you.

Pay to play
Elkfest, the free three-day music festival/block party in Browne's Addition, is facing a tangle of red tape this year. Can it survive?

'Are you illegal?"
For years, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents have boarded Greyhound buses in Spokane and asked passengers to prove they are in the country legally. Some say the process is completely legal. The ACLU says it's not.

CdA High School principal dead by apparent suicide
Troy Schueller was found in his home with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.


Washington leader in #MeToo
Gov. Jay Inslee signed a series of bills aimed at bringing complaints of sexual assault and harassment out from behind secret meetings and nondisclosure agreements. (Spokesman-Review)

Biden v. Trump
The former vice president says he would have "beat the hell" out of Trump for his abusive behavior toward women. (ABC)

Gail Gerlach gets the irony here
The Spokane man was acquitted of manslaughter after he shot and killed another man trying to steal his SUV. Gerlach's daughter is now convicted of stealing a car. She was sentenced to 13 days in jail. (Spokesman-Review)

Group homes in Washington are failing
Surprise visits from the feds to 20 Washington state group homes found that almost all of them failed to meet some standard requirement for safety, equipment, environment, space or medical needs of kids. (Seattle Times)

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Mitch Ryals

Mitch Ryals was a staff writer at the Inlander from 2015-2018.