Not The Mother of The Year
on Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 8:39 AM
As I was sitting at the doctor's office with my sick child today 4/6/10 at around 2pm, a blonde young mom came in with her three kids and boyfriend. She and her boyfriend had what looked like a 3 year old, a 1 year old and a newborn. As soon as they got off of the elevator her boyfriend asked her to slow down, she yells STFU! aloud. As they get to the counter she tells him "Go sit down you stupid F'er and that he doesn't need to be all up in her a.." Your children see and hear everything. You embarrassed your entire family. You looked like a lunatic and out of control. When you demean the father of your children in front of everyone, you demean your kids and yourself too. Be aware that I am a social worker and I had my own child to worry about that day, I should have reported you for mental abuse to your kids. Also, your doctor's office has the right to report abuse as well. Control yourself and stop embarrassing yourself and making your children feel bad.
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