on Mon, May 24, 2010 at 9:07 AM
If you think leaving your dog in a car for 3 hours with hourly breaks is taking good care of her, you are the “A-hole”. Seriously? Dogs are not supposed to sit in cars all day, they are supposed to play! & regarding the other choice (being stuck in a tiny kennel where she can’t move around), umm, what the hell are you thinking? Here’s a thought: don’t get a dog if you don’t have room for it! Or, maybe stop being such a cheapskate & buy a decent sized pen to put in the backyard! Oh, right - someone might poison her with tainted meatballs. Keep lying to yourself & say you’re spoiling her rotten, but everyone with half a brain now knows you are negligent, cruel, & full of idiotic theories about meatballs. And you can’t spell.
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