Sunday, October 3, 2010

No Manners

Posted on Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 8:24 AM

Jeers to the professional 30 something man who rides the bus to downtown in the morning with your young son for not teaching your son "bus etiquette". The side facing seats in the front of the bus are "reserved" for the handicapped, disabled, & elderly. When a person gets on the bus that is in one of the above categories & you're sitting in one of those seats & you are not elderly, disabled, or handicapped, you are to relinquish the seat! You don't just sit there & stare at them while they struggle to stand! What kind of example are you setting for your son? Where is the compassion that needs to be shown to folks who are less fortunate? So please Mr Professional, it IS your job to teach your child on the etiquette of using public transportation, & if you won't do it, don't ride the bus!


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Sat., March 8, 7 p.m.
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