Monday, December 13, 2010

Piano Bar

Posted on Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 9:48 AM

Oct., that Sat. night we kept watching each other. I coaxed you out on the floor for one (too short) dance & then you & the others you were with left. But you came running back a few minutes later & swept me out on the floor again. Lucky me, it was a slow dance. You literally took my breath away. We exchanged first names & you said some very sweet things. As I watched you run back out the door to catch up with your friends, I kicked myself for not giving you my phone number. I've been back there a couple of Sat. nights since hoping you'd be there but no such luck. I can't get you out of my mind. If nothing else, at least know you put a smile on my face for days. -L


Samurai, Sunrise, Sunset @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through June 1
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