Saturday, December 8, 2012

This Ones For You

Posted on Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 8:23 AM

So, here is the "I saw you" that I said you would never see. The truth is
that I have thought about posting one at least a dozen times, but I was
unsure if you read them, until tonight and like I said, "I didn't want to
scare you off". I saw you many months ago at our place of employment with
your big bright blue eyes, often blood shot from sleep deprivation. Long
eyelashes that do not conceal the brightness that shines when you
occasionally allow a gleaming smile to escape. I have felt a chemistry ever
since and pondered for quite some time before taking the chance to let you
know and seek some type of confirmation of mutual acknowledgement. I have
had very little interest in anyone for years and never to someone of your
sex, therefore, it has been a huge leap of faith conveying my interest to
you. The ball is in your court now. At the risk of being deemed, "A
nutcase" (your words) or a "borderline stalker" (my words). You are
special. You would have to be to affect me like you have. Although it is
like pulling teeth, I yearn to know you, be close to you. I see you, as
often as I can. I will let this go now and turn it over. I am "painting by
numbers" and letting you know that I am willing. "Intrigued". Although you
have yet to use them, you have my personal contact information. Cell phone
number and e-mail. I hope that I am not being "dillusional" thinking that
there may be a chance


St. Patrick's Day Parade @ Downtown Spokane

Sat., March 15
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