on Sat, May 11, 2013 at 8:24 AM
October 24th, 2003 was a moment in time that we will cherish forever. We
could have never imagined where that day would take us. Here we are almost
ten years later. This tale we have written has been an up and down love
story that has lifted our spirits and sometimes crushed our hopes and
dreams. Through all of this that we have endured we find a way to bounce
back. You are forever a part of me and I will always try to make you happy.
I admit at times I have taken you for granted and I have done my best to
apologize. I still make mistakes, but I intend to learn from them. Thank
you for everything. You are a beautiful woman with so much to offer. I am
lucky to have you in my life and hope to be by your side for as long as we
live. Lets find the patience and understanding we need together to make the
future a happy ending. With love and trust, Billy
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