Monday, January 12, 2015

Photos: A candlelight vigil for Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Posted By on Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 7:47 AM

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click to enlarge Photos: A candlelight vigil for Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Young Kwak
Spokane Valley Council Member Ed Pace

click to enlarge Photos: A candlelight vigil for Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Young Kwak
Spokane City Council Member Mike Fagan

click to enlarge Photos: A candlelight vigil for Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Young Kwak
Dance Choreographer Karla Parbon

click to enlarge Photos: A candlelight vigil for Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Young Kwak
Mary Davies, left, and Taylor Pedroza perform Jeff Rutherford's theatrical piece "Which Is It."

click to enlarge Photos: A candlelight vigil for Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Young Kwak
Hidden Valley Worship Center Community Pastor Amber Dawn McCall speaks. McCall was born into human trafficking 38 years agoin British Columbia, Canada. She was rescued and raised by her aunt and uncle in Sandpoint, Idaho from the age of 6, after her mother died.

click to enlarge Photos: A candlelight vigil for Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Young Kwak
(Clockwise from bottom) Brooke Grissom, Lauren Louden, Logan Shenkel Grace Barnes and Jeannie Husskison, perform a dance, "Your Story. My Story. Our Story," choreographed by Karla Parbon.

click to enlarge Photos: A candlelight vigil for Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Young Kwak
A dance performance of "Your Story. My Story. Our Story," choreographed by Karla Parbon.

click to enlarge Photos: A candlelight vigil for Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Young Kwak
Edie Carlson observes a moment of silence.

click to enlarge Photos: A candlelight vigil for Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Young Kwak
Chris Bassett, his 2 year old daughter Quinn, on his shoulders and 15 year old son Spencer, left, observe a moment of silence.

click to enlarge Photos: A candlelight vigil for Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Young Kwak
Santi Kongmanivong, left, and Caryn Knight

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Young Kwak

Young Kwak is a staff photographer at the Inlander. Moving to Spokane in 2007 from Los Angeles, Young started contributing as a photographer for the Inlander in 2008.