Readers react to our blog post "Reactions to Kate Burke/Bill Clinton photos show how we treat sexual harassment" (11/2/17):
Vicki Forslund Bordieri: How childish of these "adults."
Garrett Stenehjem: That's pretty dirty and weird of them. They literally took time to find this picture and project it in a room full of their constituents so they could make light of sexual harrassment, and mock an opponent. These people have no shred of dignity.
Toni Filliger: The Clinton Legacy will always be tainted by issues with women. He is who he is. I would not publicize him at all if I were promoting issues with or for women. Period.
Readers react to our New York Times story "Texas church shooting leaves at least 25 dead, official says" (11/5/17):
Cody Deasy: Good ol' America. Home of the hot dog, the NY Yankees, football, and monthly mass shootings.
Val Stefoff: Daily these days.
Terry Nichols: The people were in a church. If thoughts and prayers didn't work there, they won't work anywhere.
Goff Daily: Oh good, just a mass shooting and not a domestic terrorist shooting.
Readers react to our Annual Manual story about a local tastemaker ("Insider Insight: Celeste Shaw" (11/7/17):
Tori Chamberlain-Bailey: Two Women Vintage Goods put on a couple of great shows at the Moran Prairie Grange. The next one is the weekend directly after Thanksgiving and is a vintage-inspired Christmas.
David Shuey: She is a super wonderful lady and has an amazing style that she shares with all by unique displays at her various "Lady's Lairs" (A term I'm coining that is like "Man-Cave.") ♦