Readers respond to stories about the Pledge of Allegiance and gun control demonstration

click to enlarge Readers respond to stories about the Pledge of Allegiance and gun control demonstration
Daniel Walters photo
Council members Mike Fagan (left) and Kate Burke during the Pledge of Allegiance.

Readers respond to our story about Spokane City Councilwoman Kate Burke's decision to not place her hand over her heart during the Pledge of Allegiance (4/19/18):

Amanda B Braley: I applaud her for taking a stand, politely, to draw attention to the fact that we are not one nation under God. We don't all pray to or follow the same or any diety. It doesn't make us un-American to say I won't pledge allegiance to something under God. In fact, we are more American for saying I have the freedom to politely decline the insertion of Christianity into a space that should respect all, regardless of religion.

Kathy Stoeser Lund: Good for Kate! I am tired of bullies that only tout our rights when it is convenient for them.

Jason Fleming: Kate Burke has the right to not participate in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and it has nothing to do with her fitness to do the job, whether or not she is patriotic or her citizenship...

John S Pardee: She either wants the attention or is anti-American. Either way she should not be holding a government position. ♦

click to enlarge Readers respond to stories about the Pledge of Allegiance and gun control demonstration (2)
Wilson Criscione
Marissa Kenney (left) Shaundra Russell and Dharma Hoy (right) helped organize the walkout

Readers respond to our story about Central Valley High School students who walked out in protest of gun violence on April 20 (4/20/18):

Steve Alburty: As a graduate of Central Valley High School ('69), I applaud those students who are taking a stand against the insanity of the "gun culture." In the '60s, some of us protested the Vietnam War. Glad to see that the tradition continues.

Kathy Bretz: I want to celebrate the person(s) who talked to the other side to find out what their beliefs are. Problems can only be changed with communication including real listening. I also want celebrate the kids if any on both sides who refrained from obscenity and unnecessarily negative for no specific reason comments. Negativity doesn't achieve anything. ♦

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