Question of the Week

What neighborhood has your favorite dining options?

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Derek Harrison photo
Every week, we ask our followers on social media to share their thoughts.

Shamra Andrews: Otis Grill in Otis Orchards: great food, great price [and] history.

Carlie Harding Lee: Downtown. I don't love the parking situation, but I do enjoy being able to go on a happy hour tour! Wooden City, Bistango, Emma Rue's and many more.

Tessa Parker: Downtown: Saranac Public House or The Melting Pot.

Mike Kratzer: Garland. Ferguson's and the Milk Bottle right next to each other.

Charmaine Rae: Downtown. Lots of options to choose from, plus a few breweries to hit while you decide.

Neal Schindler: Garland has rocketed to the top for me on the strength of Little Noodle alone.

Derrick Oliver: Downtown. Lots of options, and it's easy to hop around after if the vibe is right.

Jack Ten Suited: South Perry Pizza and Culture Breads/The Grain Shed and The Shop.

August Herrera: Garland strip: Midori is new but omg **%*?! It's amazing!

Mary K Simmons: Kendall Yards. ♦

Heartistry: Artistic Wellbeing @ Spark Central

Tuesdays, 3-5 p.m.
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